We’re sad to see you go! There are a couple things we need from you as you get ready to move on to your next venture.
End of Employment Checklist
Please see the checklist below and complete with the help of your manager, IT & HR. On or before your last day, please arrange a meeting with HR and bring your checklist.
Exit Questionnaire
For exiting staff and faculty, we would love it if you would complete an exit questionnaire and/or interview to help us implement positive change within the Centre.
Obtaining Your T4
Campus Wide Login will remain active so you can continue to view past pay-stubs and your year-end T4 when it is available in February. Please remember your UBC CWL login to obtain your T4 in case UBC has issues mailing it to you.
- Login to www.msp.ubc.ca to view.
More information is available on UBC payroll’s site.
We would love to hear about what you’re up to after you leave us! If you agree, we will contact you in the future about joining the soon-to-be-announced JHRC Alumni site.

Best of luck and keep in touch!